PCADS™ “Bring The Rain”
Precision Container Aerial Delivery System™ ( PCADS™) is a unique and innovative aerial delivery system designed to combat Wildfires. PCADS is the newest tool in the toolbox for firefighters. PCADS provides direct aerial attack at safe altitudes, able to operate in high winds, day or night and opens the operational window for mass attack using multiple aircraft.
Too many homes and lives are being lost! PCADS™ will save communities the tragic loss of homes, lives and property. The need for new technology and methods in wildfire fighting is now! United States ANG & International Governments have the assets and resources to protect all civilians from the ever growing threat of wildfires.
FlexAttack PCADS™ is the ONLY AMC/ATTLA/ANG Approved CDS Firefighting in the World!
- Proven to be safe, 100% proficient and ready for operations! Over 75 flights, over 500 PCADS™ systems tested by DoD, USFS & other Government Agencies.
- In 2015, US National Air Guard will perform formal Operational Test and Evaluation of PCADS™.
- For Private & International Operations, we have created Fire Suppression International (FSI), a complete turnkey Aerial Fire Fighting Company. For more about FSI please visit: www.fsiwildfire.com
Learn more about PCADS:
PCADS™ primary operation allows airdropping of suppression media on wildfires. Airdropping allows immediate and accurate response by an airdrop capable platform to extinguish wild land fires 24/7. PCADS™ is designed to disassemble upon air stream impact creating a “rain” effect of the media to extinguish wild fires.
![Since 2004, Flexible Alternatives, Inc. (FAI) and The Boeing Company, Phantom Works (Boeing) have been developing and testing PCADS with various US Government Agencies; US ARMY, US Forest Service, US Air National Guard, Congress and State Governments.](http://www.flexattack.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/PCADS-Drop2.jpg)
Since 2004, Flexible Alternatives, Inc. (FAI) and The Boeing Company, Phantom Works have been developing and testing PCADS with various US Government Agencies, including: US ARMY, US Forest Service, US Air National Guard, Congress and State Governments.
How does it work?
![PCADS deployment](http://www.flexattack.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PCADS-deployment.jpg)
PCADS Units being deployed.
PCADS™ consists of a 1 ton bulk liquid package that disperses liquid media onto a specific target from 300+ ft Above Ground Level (AGL). The system requires no modifications to the airframe and is deployed using standard Container Delivery System (CDS) procedures during air drop operations. The system can drop up 3,800-12,000 gallons of suppression media onto a wildfire to extinguish flames. All residual debris is 100% biodegradable.
PCADS Fast Facts:
FlexAttack PCADS™ is the ONLY CDS Firefighting Aerial Delivery (AD) system that is approved and certified by the USAF. PCADS™ is a safe, effective and a proven tool.
PCADS is ready for Fire Fighting Operations and Deployment Worldwide.
PCADS™ has been designed to be a multi functional tool for its users, aerial fire fighting is the primary application. Secondary applications for PCADS have been tested as well; including oil spill response, homeland security and threat suppression.
Patented Technology – FlexAttack has several US Patents related to PCADS™
US Patent No: 9138604 – ADS – Aerial Delivery System
1 Patent Pending – Final Stages by USPTO
C-130H | C-130J | C-17 | IL-76 | IL-78 | C-27J | V-22 | CH-53 |
16 Bundles | 20 Bundles | 40 Bundles | 40 Bundles | 40 Bundles | 9 Bundles | 6 Bundles | 6 Bundles |
- Anytime, Anywhere PCADS™ can be set-up and deployed from any cargo airframe that has a rear ramp
- No need to modifiy standard airframes
- Easy to transport – empty or full
- 100% Bio-Degradable
- 500 Ft + AGL
- Cost Effective
Ten years of development, testing and certification by FAI, Boeing, US Army, ANG, USAF/AMC and USFS.
- Over 500 PCADS™ air dropped
- Over 75 Sorties with multiple passes, multiple releases and various altitudes – 200’-3,000’ AGL
- Over 1 Million pounds of Cargo airlifted (445,000 Tons)
- Over 125,000 US Gallons (473,000 liters) of water and water enhancers delivered on target
- Over 20,000 US Gallons (75,700 liters) of USFS APL Approved Firefighting Water Enhancers
2002 | PCADS™ Concept invented by William Cleary – Boeing Company |
2004-2008 | PCADS™ Research and Development – Proof of Concept FAI and Boeing – Private Testing |
2008 | Congressional Funding Approved for PCADS™ – Congressman Dana Rohrabacher |
Sept 2009 | FAI Awarded PCADS US Army Testing and Certification Contract |
Oct 2009 | PATCAD 2009 – PCADS™ is debuted at PATCAD / Yuma Proving Ground Sponsor: US Army Natick FAI and Boeing |
2009-2012 | US Army Natick and FAI develop formal Test Program for PCADS™
Oct 2012 | PCADS™ certification for flight approval from United States Air Force (USAF), Air Mobility Command (AMC & ATTLA) for C-130H/J and C-17 airframes. |
Sept. 2015
May 2016 |
PCADS™ Team working w/ ANG and Goverment, pushing policy and requirements for PCADS™ Mission with AMC and ANG.PCADS Team developing V-22 Program – ANG & USMC -Resolution Approved: Aerial Delivery Fire Fighting SystemPCADS Team Working directly with Air National Guard for PCADS™ OT&E & Mission Operations for 2015 Fire Season.
PCADS™ Patent Awarded to The Boeing Company & Ty F. Bonnar – Aerial Delivery System US Patent 9138604, several other Patents in final stages related to PCADS™ PCADS Demonstration for Royal Thai Air Force and Industry in Bangkok, Thailand |
PCADS Informational Links
- PCADS™ Aerial Fire Fighting – Flexible Attack Innovations (pdf)
- PCADS™ Videos on the FlexAttack YouTube channel
- PCADS system ready to fight fires from the air
- PCADS: A Military Solution to Wildland Firefighting
- PCADS Fights Fires
- Boeing Fights Fire by Dropping Giant Water Balloon Bombs
- Air delivery testing helps combat wildfires
- KNBC’s Chuck Henry reporting on PCADS (video)